General Questions
How can I register for the daily signal service?
It’s easy and fast, just go to the signals page, select your preferred signal package and enter username, password and your email address. Having filled all fields, check in the Terms of Use box and click on the PayPal checkout logo. You will then be directed automatically to the PayPal checkout page, where you can pay for the service. You will start receiving the daily signal service immediately from the next morning onwards.
How will I receive the signals after having paid for the service?
You will receive the signals via email every morning from Monday to Friday at around 6:45 am UTC (summertime)/ 7:45 am UTC (wintertime). If you also wish to receive push notifications click on the notifications logo (the red bell logo in the lower right corner) and allow notifications.
How can I subscribe to push notifications?
Click on the notifications logo (the red bell logo in the lower right corner). You will be asked to allow that we send you notifications, so click allow notifications. There is nothing else you have to do. If there is a new update or notification you will receive that notification directly on your phone or pc screen. Note that in order to see the content of each notification you have to subscribe to our service.
What is the advantage of receiving additional push notifications throughout the trading day?
We created the notification feature in order to support traders in the best and most efficient way. As professional day traders we may exit trades earlier than stated in the instructions or may act differently from what we state in the trading plan or instructions. In these special cases, at special risk events or even when we move a stop-loss differently we inform traders through these notifications.
What is included in the signals package?
- You will receive our daily signals and analysis via email every morning from Monday to Friday at around 6:45 am UTC (summertime)/ 7:45 am UTC (wintertime)
- The signals include Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing-Stop, risk per trade and other helpful advices
- In the morning email we state all trade results of the previous trading day, so that traders can compare their own results
- You will have access to our personal trading instructions ‘How to use the signals’, our trading strategy and a daily trading plan
- We provide valuable tips and insights on how professional traders master the market on a daily basis, which brokers we can recommend and how to maintain a personal trading journal
- While holding a trade we may send push notifications to inform you about any action we might take, e.g. exit the trade earlier, close out profits etc.
- German-speaking subscribers will have access to the German translations
Where can I find the instructions on how to use the signals?
We provide detailed instructions for subscribers only. If you are a subscriber please click on the link here which will direct you to the ‘How to use the signals’ page.
Is there a free trial for the signal service?
We do not offer a free trial because we share with subscribers many years of practical experience in the market and an outstanding body of knowledge which includes a well thought-out and valuable trading concept. The success of the signals is not only based on the entry or exit, but on a weekly trading plan and the right money management.
I have a day job. Can I use the signals even when I am not able to monitor my trades all the time?
Trading in the market on a professional basis is a business like any other. You will have to spend some time on it, work hard, be patient and persistent and monitor your business. Bear in mind that success doesn’t come from nothing. In other words, you will have to spend at least some time in the morning, enter signals and monitor your account, as well as control open positions throughout the day. You will need a good internet connection and mobile trading platform to monitor your trades from time to time. When these conditions are met, there is nothing in the way of trading alongside the job.
I am a German speaking person. Are there German translations of the content for subscribers?
Yes! We provide a German translation of the daily morning email which is accessible through our website. Furthermore, all instructions and trading plan information are available in German on our website.
Signals & Trading Questions
I am a newbie in the market, is it easy to use the daily signals?
Yes, it is, whether you are a newbie or advanced trader. Before you start trading you should read our instructions carefully and get used to our trading plan. Then you can start right away and insert the signals as pending orders at 7:00 am UTC (summer)/8:00 am UTC (winter) into your broker’s account. The daily entries are to remain throughout the day and can be used multiple times.
Before I start trading, what should I pay attention to?
Trading Forex or other securities carries a high level of risk and can cause you to lose substantial sums of money. Before undertaking any trading program, you should consult a qualified financial professional and only invest money which you can afford to lose.
What is the recommended trading account size?
As professional day traders we recommend a minimum trading capital of 5.000 USD, whereby a 10.000 USD trading account (or greater) is more efficient in order to gain a monthly income whilst trading at a low risk. Smaller accounts reduce the income while a high degree of leverage can work against you and blow your account.
Which broker is the best to trade professionally forex or indices at?
Subscribers will have access to our trading plan where we state which brokers we can recommend. If you are a subscriber, go to ‘First steps before we start trading’.
At what time are the daily signals valid?
The daily entries are valid from 7:00 am UTC (summer) or 8:00 am UTC (winter).
How should I enter the signals, at market or as pending order?
Subscribers will have access to the detailed signal instructions. If you are a subscriber, go to ‘How to use the signals’.
What is the daily trading time span?
Our signals are valid from 7:00 am UTC until 14:00 pm UTC (summertime) and 8:00 am UTC until 15:00 pm UTC (wintertime). Apart of some exceptions we trade the European trading session.
Are the signals to remain throughout the entire trading session?
Subscribers will receive detailed instructions every morning on how to use the specific signal. Some entries may remain throughout the entire session.
Can the signals be used as a set-and-forget type?
Yes and no. We will tell you where to put the stop-loss and take-profit. When also applying a trailing-stop you don’t need to monitor your trade all the time. In other words, if the market moves in favor of our signal, you can use it as set-and-forget type. However, when a trade was stopped out and you need to re-enter the signal, you will have to monitor your trade history and re-enter manually.
What are the past performances of the signals?
See below the past performances of our Forex signals. Please note that we didn’t provide our signal service in 2019 due to a baby leave.
Total profit in 2018:
EUR/USD: + 909 pips
GBP/USD: + 964 pips
Total profit in 2017:
EUR/USD: + 729 pips
GBP/USD: + 836 pips
Total profit in 2016:
EUR/USD: + 921 pips
GBP/USD: + 2432 pips
Profits in pips between September 2014 and December 2015:
EUR/USD: + 2952 pips
GBP/USD: + 2050 pips
What is the average monthly rate of return when using the signals?
The monthly rate of return is on average 3-5%.
What is the risk-reward ratio per trade?
Depending on our specific money management the risk-reward ratio per trade is 1,6-4.
How successful are the signals?
The hit ratio per signal is 60-70 %.
How many trades are triggered on average per day?
On average we have 1-2 positions per trading instrument/ currency pair per day.
What risk is recommended per trade?
Subscribers will have access to detailed signal instructions. If you are a subscriber, go to ‘How to use the signals’.
Are the trades published on any other source, like Myfxbook?
No, we provide our signals and trades only and exclusively for subscribers.
Where can I follow the signals for free?
We publish our daily entries later during the day under the category ‘daily signals’ on our blog, so that traders interested can retrace previous signals.
For the Subscriber
For subscribers we provide detailed instructions on how to use the signals, as well as a daily trading plan and how to maintain a trading journal.
Please find all necessary links below:
How can I login into my MaiMarFx account on the website?
In the upper left corner you will find ‘My Account’ and ‘Log In’ where you can login with your username or email address and your password.
I forgot my password. What shall I do?
When clicking on the ‘Log In’ field you will find ‘Lost your password’. Click on it and enter your email address in the next step. The server will generate a new password for you.
Where do I find the instructions on ‘How to use the daily signals’?
Click here to be directed to the ‘How to use the signals’ page
Where do I find information regarding the trading plan?
Where do I find how to maintain a trading journal?
Which broker is recommended?
My trade was stopped out. Should I re-enter?
See the FAQ section on the ‘How to use the signals’ page
My trade has hit the Take Profit. Should I re-set the order?
See the FAQ section on the ‘How to use the signals’ page
The price is already above the long entry level/ below the short entry level when entering the signals in the morning. Should I re-enter at market now?
See the FAQ section on the ‘How to use the signals’ page
I didn’t receive the signals email in the morning. What can be the error?
Go to “My Account” and make sure that your registered email address is correct. Then check your spam folder in case our email address has been classified as spam. In some cases, there might be also a delay, so please wait a bit before contacting us.
I subscribed to the service but for some reason I am not able to use it during the pre-paid time period. Can I postpone my subscription?
Yes. We can freeze your subscription and you can use it in a different period of time.